The Vitiligo Support and Research Group was founded by Professor Jorge Luis Pérez Hidalgo in 2015 and It was officially recognized on June 25, 2016, during WVD celebrations. That day the group took its name, Vitamigos. The Group started with only three Members and now there are 315 members and volunteers who actively participate in the monthly scheduled activities, such as meetings, recreational activities, scientific meetings with local dermatologists, psychologists and researchers as well as permanent collaboration with the VR Foundation and IADPO . They are a non-profit organization that advocates to get our voices heard not only in our country but also globally. Their mission is: • Providing psychological support to patients and families in order to face life positively. • Investigating and collaborating with research projects aimed at finding a cure for vitiligo • Raising awareness of the disease’s significance in the population to avoid any discrimination due to the condition.