Around the world, vitiligo patients are still waiting for recognition of their disease and the large impacts on their lives, even if some of them are trying to overcome the situation and stay with their difference.
Join us at the Conference
Join us at the conference to hear from VIPOC the latest in vitiligo research.

Entrance Fees
If you are a patient leader but not a member of VIPOC, you can register to become a member of VIPOC, and discounted membership fees will apply to you. There will be travel support for VIPOC members
VIPOC Patient Leader Member
One conference participant (single room) 290 €
- 200 € (includes 3 days of access to conference rooms, break, lunch, Welcome dinner by, Official VIPOC dinner and 2 dinners)
- Accommodation for the conference participant
- 90 € room for one person and breakfast, for 4 days and Amsterdam visit
One conference participant + one companion (double room) 440 €
- Conference fee: 200 € (includes 3 days of access to conference rooms, break, lunch, Welcome dinner by, Official VIPOC dinner and 2 dinners)
- 240 € room and breakfast for a companion as well dinners for 4 days, and Amsterdam visit
Non-VIPOC Patient Leader Member
One conference participant (single room) 350 €
- 260 € (includes 3 days of access to conference rooms, break, lunch, Welcome dinner by, Official VIPOC dinner and 2 dinners)
- Accommodation for the conference participant
- 90 € room for one person and breakfast, for 4 days and Amsterdam visit
One conference participant + one companion (double room) 500 €
- Conference fee: 260 € (includes 3 days of access to conference rooms, break, lunch, Welcome dinner by, Official VIPOC dinner and 2 dinners)
- 240 € room and breakfast for a companion as well dinners for 4 days, and Amsterdam visit
Travel support for VIPOC members – one travel support per VIPOC member organization
- Europe 300 €
- America/Africa: 1000 €
- Asia: 1100 €
Provisional Speakers for the Conference

Provisional Programme for the Conference
Wednesday, April 20th - Welcome Day
19h00 : Welcome dinner by
Thursday, April 21st – Patient leader’s day
- Paul Monteiro, / Nicolle Maquignon, VIPOC
9h15 : Round table
- All VIPOC participants
9h45 : Vitiligo presentations worldwide tour
- Local presentation/information – 10 mn per country
11h00 : Why to build vitiligo strategy and advocacy focus?
- Jean-Marie Meurant, VIPOC/Yan Valle, VR Foundation/ Dr.Richard Huggins, Dermatologist
11h15 : Regional focus working groups
- All participants
12h00 : Proposal’s summary and strategy definition
- Working group leaders
12h30 : Synthesis
- Georg Pliszewski, VIPOC
12h45 : Lunch time
- Maria Mavris EMA Patients and Consumers Liason
14h45 : Q&A
- All participants
15h15 : VITAL study project presentation and Q&A
- Dr. Nanja Van Geel
16h00 : VITAL working groups
- All participants
17h00 : Break
17h15 : VIPOC AGM and Board election
- All VIPOC members/Jean-Marie Meurant/ Georg Pliszewski/Nicolle Maquignon/VIPOC board
18h30 : Summary and closing of patient leader’s day
- Paul Monteiro and Dutch representatives
19h00 : Dinner
Our Patient Leader Day Sponsors

Friday April 22nd – Scientific Day
Speakers will be in or in remote mode per video conference. Each presentation will have a Q&A session to speakers
10h00 : Introduction program + Guidelines First Chapter (Introduction)
- Pr Nanja Van Geel (Belgium) – Confirmed to speak Live
10h10 : Physiopathology of vitiligo
- Pr Julien Seneschal (France) – Confirmed to speak Live
10h30 : Topical treatments
- Dr Albert Wolkerstorfer (The Netherlands) – Confirmed to speak Live
- Dr Jung Min Bae (Korea) – Confirmed to speak Online
10h50 : Phototherapy
- Dr Giovanni Leone (Italy) – Confirmed to speak Online
- Dr Samia Esmat (Egypt) – Confirmed to speak Online
11h10 : Oral Steroids
- Pr Markus Böhm (Germany) – Confirmed to speak live
- Dr Marwa Abdallah (Egypt) – Confirmed to speak Online
11h30 : Systemic interventions
- Pr Reinhart Speeckaert (Belgium) – Confirmed to speak Live
- Dr Mauro Picardo (Italy) – Confirmed to speak Online
11h50 : Surgical interventions
- Dr Iltefat Hamzavi (USA) – Confirmed to speak Online/Prerecorded
- Pr Laila Benzekri (Marocco) – Confirmed to speak Online
LUNCH 12h10 – 13h30
13h30 – 14h30 : Worksop patient focus Group
14h30 : Depigmentation
- Pr Khaled Ezzedine (France) – Confirmed to speak Live
- Pr Caroline Le Poole (USA) – Confirmed to speak Online
14h50 : Other interventions
- Pr Marcel Bekkenk (The Netherlands) – Confirmed to speak Live
- Jean-Marie Meurant (France) – Confirmed to speak Live
- Dr Viktoria Eleftheriadou (UK) – Confirmed to speak Live
15h20 : Innovative and emerging therapies
- Dr Davinder Parsad (India) – Confirmed to speak Online
- Dr Amit Pandya (USA) – Confirmed to speak Online
15h50 : Link to survey vitiligo guidelines part 1 open
BREAK 16h10 – 16h20
16h20 : Round table discussion
16h50 : Link to survey vitiligo guidelines part 2 open
17:30 : Closing
Scientific Day Sponsors

Saturday, April 23rd, 2022
- Working groups with Pharma industries
- Cultural understanding of arts (Rijksmuseum visit), visit of Amsterdam
- Official VIPOC conference closing dinner
VIPOC conference Attendees
- VIPOC members – Patient leaders, representing 14 nations
- Patient leaders from around the world willing to join a global project for vitiligo patients
- Researchers
- Dermatologists
- Pharma industries representatives
- Journalists interesting in Vitiligo (patients organizations, research …)
Download the Conference Document
Hosting: Hotel and conference rooms close to downtown Amsterdam
Contact: –Technical support: and